
  • Lifestylephobias you didn't know existed

    99 Phobias You Didn’t Know Existed

    Fear is a part of our life. It’s a feeling almost inevitable in certain situations in life – such as the fear of flunking a class, the fear of losing someone, or the fear of getting caught doing something illegal. Now, a certain amount of fear is okay for us to feel. If this fear causes hindrance in our everyday…

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  • Health and Wellness

    Ailurophobia – The Fear of Cats!

    Ailurophobia, also known as Elurophobia, Felinophobia, Gatophobia or Cat Phobia is the unjustifiable and persistent fear of cats. The word Ailurophobia has been derived from the Greek word ‘Ailurous’ meaning cat and ‘phobia’ meaning fear. While many people pet cats, some people fear cats a lot. Although fear of certain animals can be normal, a phobia is something to be…

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