
Why Bikini Was Not Good And The Problem Behind Wearing It?

A very significant part of today’s fashion world, the bikini was a magnificent creation by French designer Louis Reard in 1946. A bikini is an outfit that was made to retain women’s modesty. It is made of two triangles to cover the woman’s chest and two triangles to cover the genitals. Even if Micheline Bernardini, a stripper, displayed ‘bikini- the atom bomb of fashion’ as a celebration of freedom and life for women. Why still it’s considered as a sin in most of the parts of the world?

Effects of Atom Bomb on Fashion

According to Modern Girl Magazine, a bikini is described as something inconceivable to be worn by a girl with tact and decency. The bikini was something brought as a sign of liberty to women. Still, it was banned from most of the pageants after the first Miss World Contest. In Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Australia, and many parts of the United States.

Why is Bikini considered a bad sign?

The garment was opposed by many religious and cultural groups because of its degree of exposure to the female body. So, what does Bubble say about it? As we go back to what is represented in the Bible, being nude was taken as a sign of purity until Satan spread its sins. Then why bikini was considered an offense mainly by the people of Vatican City?

Sign of Nature & Sexuality

Where nudity is taken as a sign of connection with life, it is also something that is associated with sexuality. In Genesis 3 also God made “tunics of skin” for Adam and Eve to cover their body. Clothes were created by God to represent his protection and grace. This was also the belief of most of the people when the bikini was launched. It was banned almost everywhere because they were far removed from God’s mercy and redemption. Also, it was the thought throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Anyway, we have come so far from what it was a few decades back. While being nude was only accepted in any sexual activity. No doubt, wearing a bikini was taken as scornful years back especially when a Christian girl urges her to wear it. Now, we can see it almost everywhere, and it’s accepted widely.

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