
  • Health and Wellnessbenefits of drinking copper water

    17 Unheard Benefits Of Drinking Copper Water

    Drinking water stored in copper vessels is not a new concept. It is widely supported by Ayurveda, an Indian system of holistic medicine with ancient origins. Although ancient societies didn’t know much about bacteria and other harmful micro-organisms, copper has found its way into almost all the ancient medical texts. It is known to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and antioxidant…

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  • Factswhy do paper cuts hurt so much

    Paper Cuts and Why They Hurt So Much!

    We’ve all been there, while flipping through a book or reading the daily newspaper and suddenly, we’ve cut ourselves – a paper cut. But somehow, it happens to hurt a lot more than any other normal cut. Our immediate reaction is to quickly press the wound down and perhaps wipe the small amount of blood that accumulates away. Have you…

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