
  • History

    5 Most Beautiful Libraries Around The World

    There exist people, like me, who can spend hours on end in a library and lose themselves there forgetting about the world that is thriving outside. Many people think that reading books is a headache and it is better to stare at the idiot box instead. As opposed to that, immersing oneself in a book and creating a world of…

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  • FactsMermaids and Mermen

    Mermaids and Mermen: A myth or do they really exist?

    Centuries ago, the oceans were believed to hide certain mysterious creatures such as serpents and mermaids. The merfolk(mermaids and mermen), according to “Arabian Nights” are half human and half animal creatures. They have faces of the moon, hair like women with legs inside their bellies and tales like fishes. These creatures have captured the imagination of humans for ages. Folklore…

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