Health and Wellness

Did You Know That Eating With Hands Can Make You Slimmer?

Eating food with hands is considered holy in India as well as in Islam.

This act involves a sort of ritual, where people prefer sitting cross-legged on the floor instead of on chairs and tables. Washing hands before eating is a must. People say a small prayer of gratitude before eating.

In India and also the Middle East, people eat with their hands.

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In Western culture, these habits might just be frowned upon. However, even the scientific community today is going gaga over the benefits of each of these actions associated with mealtime.

So why is that? Let’s find out.

Eating with your hands engages all your senses. It helps to establish a mental connection with your food.

When we eat with our hands, the sensory nerves on our fingertips send nerve impulses to the brain.

By eating with your hands, you can feel the food, its texture, temperature, and so on.

Just the tactile sensation prepares the body for what is coming in. The brain receives a signal to stimulate the digestive system to produce enzymes for digestion.

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This magical process ensures proper utilization of the food and absorption of maximum nutrients.

While using a spoon, you don’t get a clear picture of how hot the food is, which leaves you with a sore tongue.

Using your hand unknowingly makes you eat mindfully.

You need to be aware of how much you can hold at a time, how you swipe it off the plate, and balance to take it all in.

When you eat with your hand, the symbiotic balance of the flora is maintained and you remain healthy.

Now, we have all the more reason to take pride in our culture. Dig in and lick away your fingers at your next meal.

Dr. Nida Kazi

Dr Nida Kazi is a health coach & nutritionist specialising in sports nutrition and Doctor of alternative medicine (M.D, A.M). She is a fitness enthusiast and firmly believe in the priniciple of eating right and exercising regularly. She likes exploring different cuisines and finding the interesting facts behind all foods and researching their origin. And what is life without a little sliver of nature, her interests involve hiking in the woods, going on adventurous expeditions and water sports.

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