Health and Wellness

Ever Heard of the Term Ovo-Vegetarian?

You might have heard of vegetarian people, non-vegetarian people, even Tuesday-Thursday vegetarian people! But have you ever heard of Ovo-vegetarian people? This article will make you familiar with the term ‘ovo-vegetarian’.

So basically, an Ovo-vegetarian person is a person who does not eat meat or any other dairy product but does eat eggs. To keep it simple, an Ovo-vegetarian is a person who is a vegetarian who eats eggs but no dairy products like milk, butter, cheese etc.

Not many people follow the Ovo-vegetarian diet and that’s the reason that we do not come across such a term on a daily basis. Dairy products are not only essential for our body, they provide us a good amount of energy too. So basically, people follow the Ovo-vegetarian diet mostly because of health reasons. Health reasons include the intolerance towards lactose present in dairy products. Other reasons involve various religious beliefs that inhibit people from consuming dairy products.

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What are the components of an Ovo-vegetarian diet?

An Ovo-vegetarian diet includes all fruits and vegetables, herbs, eggs, spices, all seeds, grains, beans, legumes, squashes, and other products that contain eggs.

What do Ovo-vegetarians avoid?

They avoid foods like Cheese, butter, ice cream, milk of all animals, cream cheese, sour cream, and all other dairy products.

Health Problems Related to Ovo-vegetarianism

An Ovo-vegetarian diet causes various nutritional deficiencies in the human body. It includes a deficiency of various proteins, minerals, vitamins, iodine, and fatty acids. Such deficiencies can lead to various diseases so when a person is on an Ovo-vegetarian diet, they should consult a dietitian to fulfill the requirement of these deficiencies.

So no matter which diet you follow, just make sure your basic nutritional requirements are being fulfilled, or else you will land yourself into trouble!

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Stay Healthy Always!


Although I'm a Science student, I love writing. My interest in reading gave rise to an interest in writing. I love to express my views through my writings and am always happy to help people by providing important and useful information. I write on crazy topics that grab the curiosity of the reader. I'm an optimist and have a very beautiful view about life. Life is a gift, we should live it wisely.

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